Transport and Traffic Committee

The Transport and Traffic Committee of the DOG and BVA is an institution that has been working for many decades to promote scientific knowledge in the field of traffic ophthalmology, i.e. the relationship between vision and road traffic. Furthermore, it endeavors to make recommendations for the assessment of fitness to drive from the ophthalmologist’s point […]

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Committee for Intersectoral Ophthalmology

The Committee for Intersectoral Ophthalmology Ophthalmology is a joint committee of the BVA and the DOG. The members of the committee are appointed by the board of the BVA and the DOG. Members of the Committee Dr. Peter Heinz, Schlüsselfeld Dr. Werner Bachmann, Aschaffenburg Prof. Dr. Claus Cursiefen, Köln Prof. Hans Hoerauf, Göttingen Prof. Thomas […]

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Legal Committee

The Legal Committee is a joint committee of the DOG and the BVA. The members of the committee are appointed by the boards of BVA and DOG. Members of the Committee Prof. Dr. Frank H. W. Tost, Greifswald (Speaker DOG) Prof. Dr. Klaus Rohrschneider, Heidelberg (Sprecher BVA) Dr. med. Gernot Freißler, Bamberg Prof. Dr. Marcus […]

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Programme Committee

Each autumn the President invites ophthalmological clinics, research institutes and individuals to submit proposals for scientific sessions at the DOG Congress. These proposals are then examined and assessed in blind review by the members of the Programme Committee. Aided by the Programme Committee and the DOG Office, the President then compiles a draft program from […]

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DOG/BVA Macula Committee

The Macular Committee is a joint committee of DOG and BVA. The members of the committee are appointed by the boards of BVA and DOG. Members of the Committee Speaker DOGProf. Dr. Nikolas Feltgen, Göttingen Speaker BVAProf. Dr. Bernd Bertram, Aachen Prof. Dr. Hansjürgen Agostini, Freiburg Dr. Martin Bresgen, Köln Prof. Dr. Horst Helbig, Regensburg […]

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DOG/BVA Committee for Medical Guidelines

The Committee for Medical Guidelines sis a joint committee of DOG and BVA. The members of the committee are appointed by the Boards of BVA and DOG. The tasks of the committee include the coordination of guideline development. Members of the Committee Prof. Dr. Bernd Bertram, Aachen Prof. Dr. Claus Cursiefen, Köln Dr. Daniela Claessens, […]

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Committee for the Quality Assurance of Sensory Physiological Examination Methods and Devices

Since 1994, the DOG-Committee “Quality Assurance in Sensory Physiological Examination Methods and and Devices” has been working on guidelines to standardize the procedure for sensory physiological examinations and the technical standards of the devices used for this purpose, especially intended for the German-speaking region. This is intended to ensure high-quality, high-value examination techniques and comparability […]

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DOG/BVA Committee for Refractive Surgery

The Committee for Refractive Surgery (KRC) is a joint committee of the BVA and the DOG. The members of the KRC are appointed by the board of the BVA and the DOG. Members of the Committee Prof. Dr. Thomas Kohnen, Frankfurt Prof. Dr. Ekkehard Fabian, Rosenheim Prof. Dr. Michael C. Knorz, Mannheim Prof. Dr. Gerd […]

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DOG/BVA Committee for Orthoptic Issues

The Committee for Orthoptic Issues is a joint committee of the DOG and the BVA. The members of the committee are appointed by the boards of BVA and DOG. It deals with questions of the learning objectives catalog in orthoptist training together with the Professional Association of Orthoptists of Germany. Members of the Committee: Prof. […]

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DOG/BVA Committee for Ophthalmologic Rehabilitation

The Committee for Ophthalmic Rehabilitation is a joint committee of the DOG and the BVA. The members of the committee are appointed by the boards of BVA and DOG. The concerns of the committee are visually impaired and blind patients and their optimal care. Establishment of standards for the fitting of magnifying vision aids with […]

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