Week of Sight

Good vision is not a matter of course. Often, this is only noticed when one’s own visual performance declines or even blindness is imminent. This is why the partners of the Week of Sight every October are drawing attention to the importance of good eyesight and the causes of blindness. The Week of Sight will take place in 2023 from 8th to the 15th of October.

Highlights every year are the two international action days “World Day of Sight” and “White Cane Day”.

Mission, Goals, Tasks

  • Preventing blindness: To raise awareness of the prevention and cure of eye diseases and blindness in Germany and in developing countries.
  • Understanding blindness: All visually impaired and blind fellow human beings should be enabled to live an equal and barrier-free everyday life.

In the brochure “Sehen und Sehverlust in Deutschland” [Sight and Vision Loss in Germany] up-to-date figures on the topic of “vision loss in Germany” and the three common eye diseases glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic retinopathy are published.