New version of the DOG White Paper planned
The DOG is planning a new version of its white paper on the situation of ophthalmic care in Germany. The current White Paper was published in 2012 and provided an overview and important figures on eye diseases and ophthalmic care. As an inventory of ophthalmic care at that time, it showed the growing need for care in the future based on care data and population statistics. After almost ten years, the DOG sees a need to update this white paper so that future planning is based on current figures and developments. Professor Dr. Alexander Schuster (Mainz) will be in charge of coordinating the preparation of the White Paper.
White Paper on the Situation of Ophthalmic Care in Germany
September 2012

This white paper on the situation of ophthalmological care in Germany takes stock of current ophthalmological care and uses care data and population statistics to show the growing need for care in the future. A current survey among the members of the German Society of Ophthalmology (DOG) and the Professional Association of German Ophthalmologists (BVA) provides an assessment of the current situation of ophthalmological care in Germany conveys the assessment of ophthalmologists in Germany on the current supply situation and results in a sceptical prognosis of the ophthalmic profession about the future supply situation. More than other medical specialities, ophthalmology is affected by the demographic changes in our society as well as by structural changes in outpatient and inpatient care. Ensuring comprehensive, up-to-date and high-quality care in the future will not be possible if the necessary resources are not increased at an early stage in response to the growing demand for care.
This White Paper is addressed to all those involved in ophthalmological care. In addition to ophthalmologists, it addresses those who are responsible for the planning and design of the health care system.
White Paper on the Situation of Ophthalmological Research in Germany
White Paper on the Situation of Ophthalmic Care in Germany
September 2008
The White Paper on Ophthalmological Research in Germany in 2008 took stock of the current state of scientific work in German ophthalmology. Modest monetary funding is still matched by considerable research achievements. In this respect, ophthalmology still has a good position in its country of origin. Nevertheless, there is a pressing epidemiological challenge: the ageing of German society is leading to a considerable increase in visual impairment and blindness. New scientific knowledge and innovations are needed to counter this development. New approaches to the design and management of ophthalmological research are also required. The White Paper is intended to show for the German Society of Ophthalmologicyl, and thus for each and every one of us, what must be done and what can be done to improve the research situation in Germany.