Advantages of membership
The membership fee includes participation in the DOG and AAD congresses at special conditions.
Paying members of the DOG receive the monthly journal Die Ophthalmologie [in German] or alternatively the English language journal “Graefe ‘s Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology” at no additional cost.
If the journal “Die Ophthalmologie” is chosen, an additional subscription to “Graefe’s Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology” is available for an additional charge of € 60. The copy(s) at the preferential price is (are) exclusively for the personal use of the member and may not be passed on to libraries and institutes.
Online access to the Ophthalmology
For online access to Springer Medizin, please register at
The username is your e-mail address registered with the DOG.
You can choose your own password.
Further contact:
DOG Sections and Working Groups
Members of the DOG are invited to participate in the DOG Sections and Working Groups. Participation is restricted to DOG members and is free of charge.
Become a member now!
For all matters concerning membership, please contact the DOG office. The application form is available for download here. You can apply for admission online here in German language.
DOG-members who have changed their address, status or other information can correct this in their personal MyDOG-account or send the completed and signed change form (PDF) by mail or fax to the office.
Cancellations of membership must be sent in writing to the office by September 30 of a calendar year.
DOG Office
Platenstr. 1, D-80336 Munich
Phone: +49 (0) 89 5505 7680
Fax.: +49 (0) 89 5505 76811
Membership Fees
Consultants/specialist national and international not belonging to the following groups
| € 250
Residents/Trainees, scientists working in the field of visual research, Opthalmologists on parental leave / working part-time (part-time is defined as up to 25 hours per week. Written confirmation from the employer is required)
| € 125
Consultants / specialists and medical students from Eastern European countries
| € 125
Retired members
| € 125
Retired members without journal
| free
The membership is for the calendar year and starts on January 1st of the current or following year. The membership ends on January 1st of the current or following year.
- Part-time is defined as up to 25 hours per week. Written confirmation from the employer is required.
Paying members of the DOG receive the monthly journal “Die Ophthalmologie” [in German] or alternatively the English language journal “Graefe’s Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology” at no additonal cost.
Special price copies are for the member’s personal use only and may not be given to libraries or institutes.
Payment of Membership Fees
Membership dues may be paid via bank transfer or via authorized automatic withdrawal within SEPA area countries. Members from countries that are not part of SEPA may also pay by credit card. For questions concerning payment of membership dues, please contact, DOG office Munich.
DOG Bank Account
Sparkasse Heidelberg
Account number: 400 9444
Bank account: 672 500 20
IBAN: DE68 6725 0020 0004 0094 44
Application for acceptance into the DOG
Cancellation of Membership
Membership may only be terminated at the end of the year. For cancellation of membership please send us a written notification (e-mail, fax) by the end of September of the current year.
According to § 3 of the statutes, a member is considered to have resigned if he or she does not pay his or her membership dues for two years. The member will be expelled from the Society at the end of the two years. Membership can only be reinstated if any outstanding debts are paid.