Announcement of Ophthalmic Pathology Award 2026 of the Gottfried und Lieselotte Naumann-Stiftung

The Gottfried and Lieselotte Naumann Foundation presents the Ophthalmic Pathology Award 2026, an award to promote scientists and researchers who are active in the field of ophthalmopathology with clinical relevance (“Ophthalmic Pathology, Imaging and Disease Mechanisms”).

The prize is endowed with 20,000 US dollars and is awarded every four years.

Following the award ceremony, the winner will give the “Ophthalmic Pathology Award Lecture” at the DOG 2026 in Berlin.

Candidates can be recommended by scientific societies as well as submit their applications personally.

An international scientific advisory board consisting of seven members will decide on the award.

The award is presented with the support of and in cooperation with the German Society of Ophthalmology.


The deadline for proposals and applications is 30.04.2025

Applications can be submitted to:

DOG – German Society of Ophthalmology,
Platenstr. 1, 80336 Munich

We provide you with a template for your proposal here: