Committees and Boards

Executive Board

The Executive Board consists of the Executive Committee and representatives from individual professional groups.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee of the DOG consists of the President who is elected for one year, the President-Elect, the Past President, the Secretary General, the Secretary, and the Treasurer.

DOG Working Groups

DOG Working Groups are suborganisations of the DOG.

DOG Task Forces

The DOG Task Forces are small units that work on well-defined issues and/or clearly delimited subject areas.

DOG Committees

Committees are small groups of experts appointed by the Board to address important topics in ophthalmology.

DOG Sections

Sections represent the various subspecialties of ophthalmology. Their thematic focus is oriented towards clinical practice, the anatomy of the eye and important disease patterns. 

Senate of the DOG

The Senate of the DOG consists of all former members of the Executive Committee – President, Secretary, Treasurer, Secretary General – as well as the holders of the Albrecht von Graefe Medal.

DOG Office

Managing director and staff members of the DOG office in Munich.

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