Medical studies in Germany are currently in a state of flux; the aim is to achieve a more practice- and competence-oriented structure.
The upcoming changes also affect ophthalmology, which is why continuous support of this process by representatives of the field is needed. The DOG would like to optimally address interested students and potential junior staff for our subject, ensure sufficient visibility in studies, as well as offer attractive training concepts for all students today as well as in the future.
For this purpose this Task Force was founded.
Members of the Task Force
Prof. Dr. Nicolas Feltgen
Univ.-Augenklinik Göttingen
Deputy Head
Prof. Dr. Karl Ulrich Bartz-Schmidt
Universitätsklinikum Tübingen
Prof. Dr. Franz Grehn (Gutachter IMPP)
Univ.-Augenklinik Würzburg
Prof. Dr. Barbara Käsmann-Kellner
Univ.-Augenklinik Homburg/Saar
Kinderophthalmologie, Ped. Low Vision
Dr. Jost Lennart Lauermann (Representative of the AG Young DOG)
Univ.-Augenklinik Münster
Prof. Dr. Philip Maier
Univ.-Augenklinik Freiburg
Dr. Ralf Merté
Univ.-Augenklinik Münster
Prof. Dr. Susanne Pitz
Bürgerhospital Frankfurt
Prof. Dr. Niklas Plange
Augenzentrum am Annapark, Alsdorf
PD Dr. Ingo Schmack
Klinikum der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt/Main
Prof. Dr. Andreas Stahl
Ärztlicher Direktor
Universitätsmedizin Greifswald
Klinik und Poliklinik für Augenheilkunde
Catalogue of learning objectives
Catalogue of learning objectives of the DOG