Executive Committee back The Executive Committee of the DOG consists of the President, who is elected for one year, the President-Elect, the Past President, the Secretary General, the Secretary and the Treasurer. Prof. Dr. Nikolaos E. BechrakisPresidentDirector of the University Eye Clinic, Essenpraesident@dog.orgProf. Dr. Gerd AuffarthFirst Vice PresidentDirector of the University Eye Clinic, Heidelbergerstervizepraesident@dog.orgProf. Dr. Gerd GeerlingSecond Vice PresidentDirector of the University Eye Clinic, Düsseldorfzweitervizepraesident@dog.orgProf. Dr. Claus CursiefenExecutive SecretaryDirector of the University Eye Clinic, Kölngeneralsekretaer@dog.orgProf. Dr. Frank G. HolzSecretaryDirector of the University Eye ClinicBonnschriftfuehrer@dog.orgProf. Dr. Thomas KohnenTreasurerDirector of the University Eye ClinicFrankfurt/Mainschatzmeister@dog.org